Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm on YouTube!

Oh my, I'm not sure this is a good thing ;)

While attending PantheaCon I participated with the WOW Besom Brigade! A "precision" drill team of Witches in pointy-hats with brooms!

While dancing around the Circle, I'm following the Witch in a kilt, and I'm No. 5 in our Precision Pentacle Presentation.

This fabulous chaos was facilitated by Macha, was says,

I would think doing this would appeal to any able-bodied Witch with a sense of humor, one who doesn't take herself too seriously. Even so, we attract few, if any, younger folks, and seem to be comprised of grey-haired women and gay men. . . But overall, we tend to be hags and fags. And, boy, do we have fun!

She has some fab photos posted on her site! Here are the YouTube Videos:

Blessed Be,
Julie Epona


Anonymous said...

That's you in the hat with the floppy point?

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