Friday, April 27, 2007

Chop wood carry water

Until very recently I’ve always lived in the city. Now, I find myself out in the country - way out - and my spiritual practice has changed significantly with the move.

I am learning to stay “in the now,” grounded, quite literally, to the land. A Zen parable says that before enlightenment we “chop wood carry water.” After enlightenment we “chop wood carry water.” Luckily, I mostly carry: branches, debris, leaves to the burn circle; and water to the garden and pots.

Watering the garden has become a peaceful meditation. I search the pots and raised bed for new sprouts, enjoy the variations on green that Nature creates, and take pleasure in the smell of the Earth as I water, encouraging the garden to grow.

I’ve carried yards and yards of fallen branches, saplings, and brush to burn. I’ve found myself communing with the trees, explaining to them that by clearing the duff from around them and the low hanging canopy from their trunks I’m working to protect them from the ravages of forest fire. I ask their blessing and protection while I work. I’ve felt their peace and understanding.

In the Fire Circle I call forth the Dragon of the Circle to light the fire. It’s taken some practice, but I can now start a fairly large fire with one piece of newspaper and a match - provided the pine needles are dry. I enjoy the challenge of keeping my Fire sacred and have rejected the common practice among the old-timers up here of starting the brush-burns with diesel or gasoline. Each time I invoke the Dragon I call Him forth to consecrate the Fire, keep it within the confines of the Circle and protect our home from the ravages of unbridled fire in the forest.

This weekend I will light my Beltane fire and watch the Moon rise over our trees - celebrating the sacredness of the Earth and the life She has provided. I know I'm not alone and that many other Pagans are gathering this weekend or, like me, celebrating at home, and in this knowledge I hold the isolation of the forest at bay.

Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

SheShamans Update!

A shameless plug for a dear friend and a GREAT EVENT!

SheShamans 2007
May 18-20, Geyserville, California

People of all genders are welcome at SheShamans.

For tickets and information, visit:

Limited on-site accommodations.
Daytripper tickets available.
Limited partial scholarships.

Featured presenters include:

Cynthia Palmer – Tall Tales from the Sixties: Several psychedelic relics of good repute tell tales on each other and old friends to the delight of those of us who missed it...

Marilyn Walker - Opening the Way: Siberian Shamanic Experience - Enlightening slide show followed by Siberian style fetish making; then a drum and fire circle under the ancient Fir.

Valerie Leveroni Corral - Courting Death: WAMM at work - Cannabis and compassion, WAMM shows the world how it can be done with purity and grace

Jane Straight – Cultivating Our Allies - our deva of the plant allies brings her love and magic to SheShamans

Max Dashu - Women Shamans: Ecstatics and Healers - Goddess, pagan, witch, shaman, healing, bold and wise women in art through the ages; visionary artist and founder of the Suppressed Histories Archives brings us our past

Mariela delaPaz - Visionary art gallery, Tour, Tea and Talk - docents a show and sale of four visionary artists, including her own visions of our world and others

Linda Rosa Corazon - Female Shamans Around the World - We are everywhere, and Linda will introduce us to our sisters around the planet and across time

Patricia Winters - Keynote address: Contemporary Evolution of the Psychedelic Community - how have we come to this night? Where will we go from here? Pat Winters has been observing the pattern.

Suzanne Sterling – Midnight Trance, Sunrise Kirtan - Priestess of song takes us on a late night voice and body journey into the great inner spaces.

Celestine Star - Natural Environments and Medicine Healing/Mask Mystery - set and setting naturally carries us to desired places. Also, Celestine composes, choreographs, and produces another Mystery with Loren Raine's fabulous masks.

Angela Blessing - Pipe ceremony - ancient rite of Turtle Island, intention setter, prayer carrier, to open our meeting and our hearts to the Great Spirit.

Diane Darling - Sisters Doing It for Ourselves - SheShamans could happen in your biome! A Sunday evening meeting with those who wish to carry the torch into the world.

Micah the Alchemist - Alchymia's Temple - mellow place to chill, heal, experience alchemical mixtures to sculpt your consciousness.

Lou Montgomery - 108 Frustrations - Buddhism as a consciousness changing practice; a performance by our own intrepid Seeker of the Dharma treasures of the world.

Adele Getty – Council of Generations - A gathering of all the generations of psychonauts for blessing and inquiry.

Attendees are invited to offer presentations as scheduled sessions.

*Presentations, ceremony, discussions, films, networking, relaxing
* Visionary art gallery, chill lounge, crafts and plants
*Saturday all-night music, performances, fire circles
*Wonderful vegetarian food
*Pool, spa, temple, beautifully landscaped grounds
*Indoor and outdoor camping (Shared rooms and women-only space also available.)
*A benefit for the endangered cats and bird sanctuary of Isis Oasis

People of all genders are welcome at SheShamans.

For tickets and information, visit:

Limited on-site accommodations.
Daytripper tickets available.
Limited partial scholarships.

The Growing Flock

I brought home two new babies today - hatched April 23 - these are Ameraucanas. The description on says that these are, “The famous "Easter Egger" with eggshells in shades of green & blue.”

The little darlings are brown and gold and already have very pretty markings. As hens they will be just too cute, almost comical. I’ve decided to call them Lavern & Shirley.

One of the Australorps is getting a bit bigger than the rest and is quite bossy - perhaps I have a rooster? Well, if it is I’ll call him Sinatra and hope he sings pretty. If not, her name is Anita, the other pretty black hens are Betty, Darleen and Lucy. My favorite chicken site (noted above) describes these, “They are calm and friendly, and excellent layers of light brown eggs. The Australorp's exceptionally soft, shiny black plumage has hints of green and purple in the sunlight.” {oooh, pretty!}

The Golden Sex Links are Marilyn & Jayne. These pretty blonde chicks are derived from Rhode Island Reds, as near as I have been able to learn. The sex link chickens are bred specifically so that males and females are different colors when they hatch. They are also bred as layers and sweet tempered - at least this is what I’ve been told by the local feed store.

So, I now have a flock of 8 that may include a rooster. This should be a great way to learn how to have pets-that-lay-eggs.

If you would like more information on these birds here are some specific links. Of course, is listed on My Favorite Links.

Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's a good day to garden.

Today was a gorgeous spring day - a great day to get the tomatoes located to their new shelf-space beside the pump house. Each is surrounded with a "wall of water" - like a little greenhouse around each plant. All three were planted March 28 and have doubled in size as of today - Apr. 24.

Henry Field's catalog says, "Jet Star's tasty, mild-flavored fruit matures early with tremendous yields. Large, attractive globes have few scars or cracks. Indeterminate vines produce heavily." Along with Jet Star, I've planted a Roma and an heirloom Yellow Pear. Hoping for enough to enjoy and some to share!

Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

Monday, April 23, 2007

Introducing the Girls

Eventually, I'm sure, I will learn their names. Right now - they're just squeaking at 2 days old.

Looking for beginnings mid-Spring

I've decided to take the plunge and begin a blog today. I'm not sure where this will lead, I have my rope and my towel here with me.

Today it didn't rain.

I've started my chicken flock and bought 6 2-day old chicks: 4 Black Australorp and 2 Golden Sex-Link hens. There may be a rooster among the Austra's, but only time will tell. By mid-summer I should have fresh eggs each morning and a great little bug-eating group of ladies. The future site of the Chicken Run is pictured above.

The Garden is well under way, with various bulbs, sunflowers, pole & bush beans, 3 tomatoes and some mixed lettuce. I'm envisioning fresh garden salads this summer from my garden.