Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Precious Gift

My wonderful Son said to me as I was driving, "Mom, you've got to know how much I love you and how much I really appreciate all that you've done for me, that you're supporting [my decisions] now."

I told him that I felt like I'd let him down, that my plans had been to buy him a car at 16 and put him through college. My life has been so dramatically changed that this is now not possible.

He smiled and said to me, "Mom, I'm exactly where I want to be right now. Life is good and I love you."

I have invoked Ganeshe to protect and guide him throughout his life. I am so very grateful. If I do nothing else in this lifetime, I know that I have served the Gods well as a Mom.

Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

Friday, October 26, 2007

Why are all of the 'Girls' at the far end of the run?

Check out this video: The Girls of Penny Lane Farm

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Color in Northern Califa -

The Girls at 27 Weeks

Our very talkative hens are giving us 4 - 6 light-to-medium brown eggs each day. They all appear to be laying, with the exception of the two "Easter Egg" chickens.

Everyone seems fat, healthy and happy! They are truly funny girls.

We are sharing eggs with our friends.

Blessed Be,
Julie Epona