Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yule Cookies

Winter brings many things rain, snow, icy roads, and Home Made Cookies!

Cookies for friends, family, the lady who delivers the mail, the guy who delivers the paper, the crew who takes the trash away.

In our local paper this morning, Sharon Randall discussed her cookie tradition, "One woman I know bakes Christmas cookies the day after Thanksgiving and puts them in the freezer until Christmas Eve. She started when her kids were babies. Now her grandchildren come home to help her.

"I tried doing that when my children were little, but the cookies never made it to the freezer. I can't blame the kids. Given a choice, I'd pick "fresh from the oven" over "freezer burnt" anytime. And I have the scars in my mouth to prove it.

"I guess that was one of our traditions: We baked cookies and ate them standing over the stove, sucking air through our cheeks to put out the flames."

I'm with Sharon - cookies hot-out-of-the-oven are my favorite. Today I baked almond-sugar and oatmeal-raisin-pecan cookies. Tomorrow I'll bake a couple of batches of chocolate chip.

And I've only eaten a few. :)

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