I visited my dear friends, Sarah and Larry, this past week at the home in Mt. Shasta. The prevailing wind often turns their delightful Dragon to ‘moon’ the road. Today, she was enjoying the flowers with me.
Sarah is a gardener extraordinaire with the eye of a trained artist. Her gardens have inspired me for years. I call S. my “4-H Mentor” - she gives me advice on gardening and chickens. She’s also taught me to knit and bead, but those are stories for another day.

While my garden is bursting with tomatoes, Sarah’s is a riot of flowers: Poppies, Black-eyed Susans, various types sage and lavender, and lots of others whose names I can’t remember.

The Iris Labyrinth is a wonderful walking meditation. At a quiet, meditative pace it takes several minutes to complete the 11-levels to the Center and back to the Eastern entrance. When the Iris bloom it should make for a rather spectacular presentation, a colorful meditation, "Tout, touta, tout, tout, throughout and about. . . ."
Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

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