It's absolutely beautiful outside today!
The prayers and invocations I said while planting the garden seem to be helping. Despite the surprise April snow and freezing nights of early spring, everything is thriving.
The sunflowers are almost 3 inches tall and the beans are beginning to appear. The tomatoes are growing robust and the baby lettuces each have several leaf clusters, albeit there still less than 1 inch tall.
The Chicks are growing by leaps & bounds. Happily they are getting less and less skittish when I appear. The Ameraucanas are the most mellow, they seem to like to be held. This weekend I moved the chick's box off the dryer and into the Hen House, they adjusted just fine.
Today I'm watering the garden and ground-covers. It's time to weed the little pathway in the veggie garden - a great way to give "the girls" their first taste of fresh greens!
Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

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