I brought home two new babies today - hatched April 23 - these are Ameraucanas. The description on MyPetChicken.com says that these are, “The famous "Easter Egger" with eggshells in shades of green & blue.”
The little darlings are brown and gold and already have very pretty markings. As hens they will be just too cute, almost comical. I’ve decided to call them Lavern & Shirley.
One of the Australorps is getting a bit bigger than the rest and is quite bossy - perhaps I have a rooster? Well, if it is I’ll call him Sinatra and hope he sings pretty. If not, her name is Anita, the other pretty black hens are Betty, Darleen and Lucy. My favorite chicken site (noted above) describes these, “They are calm and friendly, and excellent layers of light brown eggs. The Australorp's exceptionally soft, shiny black plumage has hints of green and purple in the sunlight.” {oooh, pretty!}

The Golden Sex Links are Marilyn & Jayne. These pretty blonde chicks are derived from Rhode Island Reds, as near as I have been able to learn. The sex link chickens are bred specifically so that males and females are different colors when they hatch. They are also bred as layers and sweet tempered - at least this is what I’ve been told by the local feed store.
So, I now have a flock of 8 that may include a rooster. This should be a great way to learn how to have pets-that-lay-eggs.
If you would like more information on these birds here are some specific links. Of course, MyPetChicken.com is listed on My Favorite Links.
Blessed Be,
Julie Epona

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